The Loss of Democracy: 5 Vietnam War Battles That Tipped The War In Fa - Handmade By Heroes

The Loss of Democracy: 5 Vietnam War Battles That Tipped The War In Favor Of The North

June 30, 2017

The Loss of Democracy: 5 Vietnam War Battles That Tipped The War In Favor Of The North

During the Vietnam war, there were countless of legendary battles that one would only think it happens in the movies. Battles that showed the real conflict of those years: The Cold War. During these times, the war between North Vietnam and South Vietnam can also be considered as a conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States of America: Communist versus Democracy.

Here are 5 legendary battles during the Vietnam War That Tipped The War In Favor Of The North.

5. The Battle Of Hamburger Hill

The battle of Hamburger Hill lasted for 11 days. A part of larger operation, its objective was to clear the area of North Vietnamese forces. But during those 11 days,  many U.S. and ARVN soldiers failed and lost their lives in their effort to capture the hill. The Battle Of Hamburger Hill also crippled further the war efforts back home in the U.S.

4. Operation Linebacker

The United States Army considered the Operation Linebacker I and II as a major victory during the Vietnam War. This operation involved the destruction of majority of North Vietnam infrastructures.  But Operation Linebacker I and II did not end the war. It only slowed down the North Vietnamese troops.

3. Easter Offensive

Operation Linebacker paved the way for the PAVN to launch the Easter Offensive. This resulted in the capture of several South Vietnamese Cities. The Easter Offensive also led to the carpet bombing by the U.S. forces recapturing many more of the cities. But the sad part was, even if the U.S. troops have captured back most of the cities, the damage had already been done during operation linebacker.

2. Battle of XUAN LOC

The Battle of XUAN LOC was a major turning point in favor of the North Vietnam Forces during the Vietnam War. Here, the South Vietnamese forces failed to stave off the North Vietnamese forces paving the way for the PAVN to enter the city of Saigon.

1. Fall Of Saigon

When the North Vietnam Forces entered the city of Saigon and surrounded the capital, it also ended South Vietnam. It only took 3 days for the complete capitulation of the city. This ended the Vietnam War as well as a loss for democracy for the United Sates and its allies. But eventually, North and South Vietnam were unified and a free market was employed by the Vietnamese government.

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