Handmade By Heroes Blog Page 3
Homeless Vets: Reasons Why Veterans Become Homeless

Homeless Vets: Reasons Why Veterans Become Homeless

July 18, 2017

We hear and read stories about homeless veterans. War heroes that after serving the United States of America and its people, come home and without any reason, just cut- off their ties to their families, friends, and to the world.

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4 VA Loan Myths That Hamper Veteran Home Buyer

4 VA Loan Myths That Hamper Veteran Home Buyer

July 16, 2017

The head of the VA loan program, Mike Frueh calls this the “Myth of my Father’s VA,” where loan takes a lot of time before it is approved, difficult to process, and too cumbersome. 

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The Advantages and Benefits of Supporting a Veteran Owned Business

The Advantages and Benefits of Supporting a Veteran Owned Business

July 14, 2017

In the United States of America, there are many veteran owned businesses that does not only make great profit but also make great difference not only for the lives of other veterans but also to civilians as well. 

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Jobs You Didn’t Know the US Military Had

Jobs You Didn’t Know the US Military Had

July 12, 2017

Not all enlisted personnel are deployed in the fields. Some of them do jobs that seems like it doesn’t belong and are out of the extraordinary.

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5 Famous Women Veterans

5 Famous Women Veterans

July 10, 2017

In today’s society, women in combat is an accepted reality. And to honor all the women who have served and are still in active service, here are 5 famous women veterans who have served with flying colors.

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Accommodating Service Members and Veterans with PTSD

Accommodating Service Members and Veterans with PTSD

July 09, 2017

A veteran who wants to transition from military to civilian life can have a difficult and challenging situation if he has PTSD.

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4 Reasons Why a Veteran is Miserable after the Military

4 Reasons Why a Veteran is Miserable after the Military

July 08, 2017

Most of the time, veterans think and reminisce the past rather than move on to their present civilian life. This is the reason why some veterans feel miserable after their military life is over. 

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The WWII Hero Who Now Knits Hats For Other Vets

The WWII Hero Who Now Knits Hats For Other Vets

July 06, 2017

Most of the hats that Bolton and his wife have done  were donated to the veterans’ services offices in their area. Bolton believes that veterans are the most deserving of those hats than anyone else.

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10 Ways to Support and Honor Veterans

10 Ways to Support and Honor Veterans

July 04, 2017

As we go on our daily lives, let us pause for a moment and appreciate what our veteran brothers and sisters have done for us. For without their sacrifices and great service to us and our nation, we will not be enjoying and living the lives that we are experiencing right now. 

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Gulf War Illness: Veteran Illness Caused by Toxic Exposures

Gulf War Illness: Veteran Illness Caused by Toxic Exposures

July 02, 2017

It was estimated that more than 250,000 of those deployed during the first Gulf war suffered from a complex and debilitating disorder which is now called the Gulf War Illness or GWI.

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The Loss of Democracy: 5 Vietnam War Battles That Tipped The War In Favor Of The North

The Loss of Democracy: 5 Vietnam War Battles That Tipped The War In Favor Of The North

June 30, 2017

The war between North Vietnam and South Vietnam can also be considered as a conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States of America: Communist versus Democracy.

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3 Awesome Veteran Owned Businesses

3 Awesome Veteran Owned Businesses

June 29, 2017

Sometimes, some veterans transition to civilian life without any problems. They even find good paying jobs just after retiring from service and other veterans even put up their very own businesses and succeed in doing it.

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Sizing Guide