Jay Kenney - Handmade By Heroes

Jay Kenney

September 29, 2017 12 Comments

Hometown: Corpus Christi Texas

Name/Alias: Jay A Kenney

MOS: 67TQ2

UNIT: 6/101


Time Served: 18 yrs

Branch: Army

Why I joined the Military: My family is military and I wanted to carry on the tradition and serve my country

Why I joined Handmade By Heroes: This is something I enjoy and it makes me feel that I am still supporting our soldiers and their families

Message to customers: Please continue to support our troops here and abroad and their families and the veterans past and present. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did making it for you.

My favorite sports team and why:  Dallas Cowboys, Houston Texans, San Antonio Spurs, Houston Rockets

12 Responses


November 01, 2019

Jay – Thank you for your service to our country. I am proudly wearing my Budweiser sponsored handmade army green bracelet you made. Awesome craftsmanship. Best to you and yours.

Matthew Harris
Matthew Harris

July 03, 2019


Thank you for your service to our country. I purchased a Subaru Key chain that you made. I will be passing this along to a friend of mine that also served in the military as a special gift to him. I am hoping once he receives it he will hop on here and give you a comment as well.
If not know he truly appreciates it, As I have already told him about the gift. :-)

Take care,
Matthew Harris

Robyn Fisher
Robyn Fisher

April 22, 2019

Thank you!!! I received the bracelet I ordered today and I am over the moon!!! Thank you thank you and thank you for your service and everything you did for us!

Ken Simpson
Ken Simpson

April 12, 2019

Thanks for your service and time spent on the bracelet Jay…We have many hospitals in my area, thank God, one of which is the VA. I got the idea awhile back about having a wrist band of some sort to alert medical personal that I am to be taken to the VA hospital, so I would be covered for medical care, should I not be able to communicate with them. Saw this problem first hand with a fellow vet who passed out on the street. Anyway after a search for such an item I came upon your site and used the custom made for my need. Hope the VA picks up on the idea someday and eliminates the confusion of which facility we are to be transported to should the need arise.

Willie Gibson
Willie Gibson

April 01, 2019

Got the bracelet today. Many thanks. To all of my fellow Veterans.

Beverly Byrd
Beverly Byrd

March 26, 2019

Got my bracelet that Jay Kenney made and it’s beautiful. Thank you so much. Thank you also for your service to the USA.


December 20, 2018

Thank you for my Giants, Eagles, and Browns keychains! I can’t wait for all my boys and girl to receive them as a gifts. Thanks fo the amazing craftsmanship!

David Owens
David Owens

November 19, 2018

Got my order today. Thank you both for creating it and for your service. Very nicely done. Thank you.

Gregory Garibay
Gregory Garibay

August 03, 2018

Jay thank you so much for my Astros bracelet I get a lot of compliments that it is beautiful will be ordering a Spurs one shortly for my daughter thank you again

Stephen L Messenger
Stephen L Messenger

July 28, 2018

Thanks , Good job my colors blue= 3 id gold (yellow) =3armor and red white blue =flag Tanker, Tank Recovery , Track Mechanic 75-85 Sgt E5

thanks again.
Mark Surace
Mark Surace

May 28, 2018

Hey Jay great job on my bracelet, as an ex-serviceman and PTSD survivor I’m wearing it proudly cheers mate.

Karen Howell
Karen Howell

April 07, 2018

Got my order in, Jay!

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